Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Title Post

Who likes politics? Not me, but still I can't start arguing. Like so many Obamaphiles I got addicted to the press coverage and treated the race like a sporting event. This is wrong and the first step is that I realize it.

I'm not one of those who espouses "Bipartisanship" though as I'm not nearly naiive enough to think we have a good-faith partner in the GOP. I'm saying "we" like a Democrat, but this is also wrong. I'm a liberal, and as a liberal I'm constantly disappointed in what little difference there is between the two parties, especially when it comes to economic issues. Too many Democrats, especially in the Senate drink the kool-aid of the magical "marketplace." I swear if I hear "let the marketplace take care of it" one more time... Ronald Reagan is dead and he needs to stay dead.

Maybe the Libertarians will come in to fill the power vacuum left by Republicans. I feel a lot better about the prospects of bipartisanship with a group which is by and large rational. It's anyone's guess though if they'll get sucked into the teabaggers movement or stay independent. I'm hoping for the latter.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Abortion and Health Care

Okay, so two emotional issues, what's the link? Remember when Dr. Tiller was gunned down for supporting a woman's right to choose? Remember how right-wing hate groups published his address, pics of his family, diagrams of the building in which he worked? Remember how they refused to take down similar info on other abortion providers?

My opinion is that abortion is between a woman and her conscience. But I do understand the anti-abortion point of view. They think life begins at conception (some think even earlier) and that they're taking up a principled cause to stop what they view to be murder. They spend 20 years banging their heads against the wall and turning off mainstream America, and still had very little to show for it in terms of changing Roe v Wade.

So they come up with this "ends justify the means" strategy to stop abortions. Make the Docs afraid for their life. No matter how many docs believe in a woman's right to choose very few will put their lives on the line to protect this right. They have families and lives to consider. So more and more docs quit and abortion becomes unattainable for people living in red states. So they win, right?

Not so fast, assholes! The Radish Queen has a plan to use your strategy against you. Here's where the Health Care comes in.

As you are no doubt aware our country stands at a historic crossroads where for the first time real reform is looking possible. The problem is money talks in D.C. and the insurers and their allies have the money, the lobbyists and frankly most of the Senate. No one can defeat their iron grip on our supposedly representative government.

The problem is the Health Care industry isn't just any industry. It's blood money. They make huge profits off of denying care to sick and even dying people. Let me just say it. They're murderers. I know that sounds a tad extreme but I will not walk it back. They've killed and if we let them they'll kill again (are you starting to see the parallels between this argument and the views of the anti-abortion zealots?)

How about we unmask these anonymous organizations, find out who's making these decisions and publish their names, addresses, pics, and whatever else we can get on them on a sight called, say, Corporate Health Care Murders Americans. Now if I did this and someone on the list was murdered by a visitor of the site, I wouldn't be able to live with myself. But I don't believe Health Care activism supports anything approaching the hate and vitriol created in online communities by so-called "right to lifers".

No one will die but something will happen. Remember how I said the Health Care industry is virtually unstoppable in terms of it's influence on government. Well you can bet that as soon as they see their names, pics, etc they'll push through legislation making my Corporate Health Care Murders Americans site illegal, at which point I'll take the website down, happy that I've gotten corporate America to use it's influence to stop a kind of politics that should have been illegal in the first place.

Oh snap, libs can work wedge politics too!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Open Letter to Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA)

Dear Senator Cantwell,

I've been a supporter and constituent of yours for a long time. You've made some courageous stances in the past against those who would turn our country into something less than it should be in order to bring about "security." The Bush years were scary, and a lot of us felt completely powerless. Voting for you was one of the only things we could to to fight this blight on the honor and respect of our great country.

That's why I can't understand what the Senate is doing in backstabbing Obama on Guantanamo. I didn't see your name among the brave few who took the principled stand with the President and I'm worried. We're in the midst of a number of crucial debates which will determine what kind of country we live in. Now is not the time for cowardice and infighting amongst Democrats. That didn't work for us in the Bush years, and it's not going to work now.

Take the fight to them Senator Cantwell, even if the Republicans abuse their power of filibuster again. If they want to stand for torture let them run on it. You need not fear, we the voters of this great state will be with you %100.

I'll be following this email up with a phone call. I want you to understand how deeply I feel on this matter.

P.S. I'm on all the Obama mailing lists and nothing has come out requesting letters or phone calls. I'm sure you can verify this info yourself. This is an action I'm undertaking on my own to make sure my voice is heard.

Sasha C.