Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Title Post

Who likes politics? Not me, but still I can't start arguing. Like so many Obamaphiles I got addicted to the press coverage and treated the race like a sporting event. This is wrong and the first step is that I realize it.

I'm not one of those who espouses "Bipartisanship" though as I'm not nearly naiive enough to think we have a good-faith partner in the GOP. I'm saying "we" like a Democrat, but this is also wrong. I'm a liberal, and as a liberal I'm constantly disappointed in what little difference there is between the two parties, especially when it comes to economic issues. Too many Democrats, especially in the Senate drink the kool-aid of the magical "marketplace." I swear if I hear "let the marketplace take care of it" one more time... Ronald Reagan is dead and he needs to stay dead.

Maybe the Libertarians will come in to fill the power vacuum left by Republicans. I feel a lot better about the prospects of bipartisanship with a group which is by and large rational. It's anyone's guess though if they'll get sucked into the teabaggers movement or stay independent. I'm hoping for the latter.


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